100 border 0: paper 0: cls 110 ink 6 120 for x= 0 to 255 130 plot x,x*x/380 140 next x 150 for x= 0 to 255 160 plot x,x*x/380 170 draw 0,-(x*x/380) 180 next x 190 pause 200: ink 5: cls 200 for x=0 to 255 210 let y=rnd*x/1.5 220 plot x,y 230 draw 0,-y 240 next x 250 pause 200: ink 3: cls 260 for x= 0 to 255 270 plot x,ln(x/5+1)*40 280 next x 290 for x=0 to 255 300 let y= ln(x/5+1)*40 310 plot x,y 320 draw 0,-y 330 next x 340 pause 200: ink 4:cls 350 for x=0 to 255 360 plot x,80+cos(pi/180*(180+x*1.41))*80 370 next x 380 for x=0 to 255 390 let y=80+cos(pi/180*(180+x*1.41))*80 400 plot x,y 410 draw 0,-y 420 next x